Thursday, November 23, 2023

Blog #6- Antiwar

I always knew that the media and news were biased and for the most part, they only show us what they want us to see. However, it wasn't until I took this class and also explored these articles that I realized the news isn't just biased it's censored. Even worse, it's censored by our government. Throughout reading these articles, I learned that the main topic being shut down by the government is antiwar. These people who are talking about it get not only silenced but also sometimes punished. This is not okay, this is not constitutional, and I want to know more about why they are doing it. 

When I first decided to take a look at the site called Antiwar, I was overwhelmed by the amount of articles and stories on this page. However, what most caught my eye were the links to images. Images of horrible things like bodies being buried and lifeless people all over the ground. This really was emotional for me to see, not because I didn't know what happens in wars, but because it is never shown to the public. After exploring some more short stories, I started to wonder why none of this is ever in the mainstream media. It appears to me the government only wants us to see certain things about war and not know about others. I now feel like they are hiding so much of what they have done, and that really concerns me. Why would they need to hide what they are doing? It is almost like they have always led us to believe war is not only inevitable but also beneficial. Clearly, war is way more devastating and destructive than anyone is allowed to talk about. 

So how is the government allowed to censor people from speaking up against war? This will never make sense to me to be truthful. In our Bill of Rights, we are granted the freedom of speech! This is arguably the one thing that makes the United States so great. Now I'm starting to question if we even have freedom of speech, or if it is just freedom of speech as long as you agree with the government. Which then makes me question our other right to petition. We are supposed to be allowed to stand up for what we believe in and say something when we see something wrong. However, people are being silenced and thrown in jail. It all just seems like the government is scared of opposing opinions if you ask me. I will always believe that everyone should be able to voice their opinions, no matter if you are a war lover forever or hate war. We must stand up for our constitutional rights.   

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